Prior to the house being built here about 1865, the area was called Mattox's Landing, named after Luke Mattox a large landowner. The historic description of this home can be found at "American Memory" on the data pages.
Captain Isaac Peterson this home's original owner, was one of several sea captains that lived in the area. According to the Historical Register, Capt. Peterson was fond of the Caribbean, especially the island of Martinique. Many ships were built in this area, including one of the largest owned by Capt. Peterson called the "Harry B. Ritter."
More about the family who first lived in this house:
Isaac Peterson, mariner, and ship captain, born September 1832 in Cumberland County, New Jersey. He married 7 Sep 1852 in Newport, Downe Township, Cumberland County New Jersey to Sarah Ann Lore. [per Cumberland County New Jersey Marriages, by Stanley H. Craig, Merchantville NJ, 1900, page 185.] Sarah was born February 1834 in New Jersey.
Census > U.S. Census > 1870 United States Federal Census > New Jersey > Cumberland > Downe
Peterson, Isaac 40 M W Mariner 5000/700 NJ [b abt 1830]
Peterson, Sarah 36 F W Keeping House NJ [b abt 1834]
Peterson, Beulah 10 F W NJ [b abt 1860]
Peterson, Wiliam 6 M W NJ
Census > U.S. Census > 1880 United States Federal Census > New Jersey > Cumberland > Mauricetown > District 77
Peterson, Isaac W M 47 Sea Captain [b abt 1833]
Peterson, A. Sarah W F 46 wife Keeping House [b abt 1834]
Peterson, Beulah W F 18 dau at home [b abt 1862]
Peterson, William W M 15 son School
Peterson, Maud, W F 5 daughter at school
U.S. Census > 1900 United States Federal Census > New Jersey > Cumberland > Commercial > District 126
Peterson, Isaac Head W M Sep 1832 67 married 46 yrs NJ NJ NJ Oysterman
Peterson, Sarah Wife W F Feb 1834 66 married 46 yrs NJ NJ NJ
Children of Isaac & Sarah A. (Lore) Peterson:
1. Clarence Peterson, b. 3 Dec 1855 in Mauricetown, Downe Twp., Cumberland Co NJ; d. June 1857 in Mauricetown NJ
2. Alonzo Peterson, b. 19 May 1858 in Mauricetown, Downe Twp., Cumberland Co NJ, d. 10 Jan 1859 in Mauricetown NJ
3. Sarah Beulah Peterson, b. 8 Oct 1861 in Mauricetown NJ
4. William L. Peterson, b. 28 Oct 1864 in Mauricetown NJ; m. 5 Jan 1898 in Commercial Twp NJ to Jessie Pritchard, dau of Griffith & Rebecca (Bowen) Pritchard. She b. abt 1878
5. Maud Peterson, b. 1875 in Commercial Twp, Cumberland Co. NJ
This house is a private residence.
Photograph from: American Memory, Library of Congress; HABS, David Ames photographer, April 1992; nj/nj1400/nj1498/data
1 comment:
This beautiful Italianate was loving restored by Mr. Robert Moore and his wife, Judy. The original woodwork, floors, plaster medallion and plaster cornices were preserved by the homeowners. The garden compliments the home with original iron fence, a trellis of grapevines, antique roses,and herbs. It is wonderful to see this home on your website.
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