Originally a story and a half house with hip roof was raised to a two story and a one-half house with a pitch roof. The house has a brick foundation and brick exterior walls, and inside brick chimneys. The interior walls were plaster.The grayish red brick shades on the west gable are peculiar to this house, it also has a diamond design.
Regarding the immigrant John Smith: The record of the Society of Friends states, "John Smith Sonn of John Smith was born in the County of Norfock in the towne of diff on the 20th of the seventh month of 1623; who in process of time tooke to wife Martha Crafts daughter of Christopher Crafts of worksay in nothingham Shire, who Afterward transported themselves with four Children to West new Jersey in America, on bord the Ship called the griffin of london, Robert Griffin being master who all Arrived, in delaware River the 23 of the 9th mo 1675, and so to new Salem in the province of west new jersey where they did inhabit."This elder John owned a "large tract of land in the Elsinboro-Lower Creek section," in a section of South Jersey also called Amblebury or Amwellbury (lying south of Salem between the Yorke street and Oak street roads).
From a 2nd source: HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF FENWICK'S COLONY; Bridgeton, N.J.,by Thomas Shourds; pub. by George F. Nixon, 1876
John Smith, son of John Smith was born in the county of Norfolk, in England, 20th of 7thmonth 1623. The said John Smith married Martha Crafts, daughter of Christopher Crafts,of Northampshire. They were married in 1658.
The following are the names of their children born in England: Daniel Smith born 10th of 12th month 1660; Samuel Smith, born8th of 3d month 1664; David Smith, born 19th of 12th month 1666, and Sarah Smith, born 4th of 12th month 1671. John Smith, his wife and children, sailed for West New Jerseyon board the ship Griffith, Robert Griffith being master, and landed at a place theycalled New Salem, 23d of 6th month 1675.
The names of their children born in this country are as follows:--Jonathan Smith, born in New Salem 27th of 10th month 1675; Jeremiah Smith, born at Alemsbury 14th of 9th month 1678. John Smith purchased 2,000 acres of John Fenwick, the purchase extending from the head of Alemsbury creek toAlloways creek, and bounded on the east by Edward Champney's land, on the west by Samuel Nicholson. After the townships were laid off, one-half of said allotment ofland was in Alloways Creek township.
Daniel Smith, the eldest son, bought 1,000 acres in Alloways creek township, nearwhat is now called Quinton. The land lay on the north side of the creek. He built andlived on the property that was owned by the late Ann Simpson. This Alemsbury estatewas divided between Samuel, David, and Jonathan Smith. His daughter, Sarah Smith,married John Mason of Elsinborough.
[See additional Family Tree]
1. Photograph and information from: American Memory, Library of Congress; HABS NJ-348; http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/hhh.nj0782
2. Old Houses of Salem Co NJ, by Joseph S. Sickler, Sunbeam Pub. Co. 1949